Enduring disease, war, and the torments of nature and terrain, Stephens and Catherwood meticulously uncovered and documented the remains of an astonishing civilization that had flourished in the Americas at the same time as classic Greece and Romeand had been its rival in art, architecture, and power. In the tradition of Lost City of Z and In the Kingdom of Ice, former San Francisco Chronicle journalist and Pulitzer Prize finalist William Carlsen reveals the remarkable story of the discovery of the ancient Maya.

What they found would upend the West's understanding of human history. Seized by the reports, American diplomat John Lloyd Stephens and British artist Frederick Catherwoodboth already celebrated for their adventures in Egypt, the Holy Land, Greece, and Romesailed together out of New York Harbor on an expedition into the forbidding rainforests of present-day Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. In 1839, rumors of extraordinary yet baffling stone ruins buried within the unmapped jungles of Central America reached two of the world's most intrepid travelers. Illustrated with a map and more than 100 images.

Includes the history of the major Maya sites, including Palenque, Uxmal, Chichen Itza, Tuloom, Copan, and more. The acclaimed chronicle of the discovery of the legendary lost civilization of the Maya.