I loved seeing what outfit she would change into next. She was funny as hell and reading about her was so much fun! I never knew what she was going to do or say next. “I’ve waited five years to be able to speak to them, stupidly thought there’d be an instant friendship between us.” Instead of the warm welcome she always dreamed she would get, they were suspicious of her presence. They can finally see her after she saves them from someone trying to kill them with powers that she didn’t even know she had. In that time she has grown to love them, care for them, and of course be with them once she can figure out how to become flesh and bone.

She has been watching them for the past five years. Our main character is a ghost who lives with these 4 hot guys.She doesn’t remember anything about her prior life or how she ended up here. I was so hooked after the first chapter that I couldn’t tear my eyes away. Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop! This book took over my past two days, like in an “I didn’t want to do anything else but finish this book” kind of way.

It had good reviews and was reverse harem so I gave it go and I’m so glad I did.

I really didn’t know what to expect when I first started reading this book. It’s not like anyone else is perfect either. Goal #3: Figure out who/what I am and why I can’t remember anything past the five years I’ve been haunting this quad. Goal #2: Convince the four men I’ve been haunting for the past five years to pick me to be their new toy after goal one is complete.