Lord of the deep by dawn thompson
Lord of the deep by dawn thompson

lord of the deep by dawn thompson

Gideon swooped low, his wing tips tinted pink in the fiery sun. In the center stood a little islet, a tiny spit of land, too small to build a shed upon, but large enough for a siren to lose herself among the greenery: Muriel’s Isle.

lord of the deep by dawn thompson

In fair weather, the sirens would sun themselves upon the rocks and sing their haunting songs. The stone garden was vast, encompassing the underwater Pavilion like a fence above the waves. He would be home in his cave on the Dark Isle by then, safely out of the tormenting wind.

lord of the deep by dawn thompson

Soon the innocent-looking ripples that lapped at the rocks would roil and churn, and great white-capped combers flinging spindrift would roll up the phallic columns, turning them black against a blacker sky. Gideon could taste it in the salt-drenched air. The sunrise that should have been golden shone over the water blood red-a sure sign there would be a storm before nightfall. Then, springing from the phallic stone, he soared off over the satiny breast of the water into the dawn. Scarcely breathing, he opened the crotch of his skintight eelskin body garment that fitted him like it did the silver-black eels that had worn it before him and freed his thick, burgeoning cock for the air to soothe…or not. The dubious-winged watchdogs of the gods that kept him celibate were conspicuous in their absence. It had been some time since he’d satisfied those urges, and watching the ritual had made him hard. But he couldn’t fault the wind this time, not entirely. The wind ruffled the silver-white feathers in his magnificent wings, and he was aroused, a cruel trick of the gods that made his wings sensitive to touch-even the caress of the wind that bore him aloft. He hadn’t felt this lonely since the gods of Arcus flung him-the most revered archangel of the Arcan otherworld-out of paradise never to return. He’d stood there for some time, observing the ritual mating of his friend and fellow prince appointed by the Arcan gods, Simeon, Lord of the Deep, and his human bride, Megaleen. Gideon, Lord of the Dark, one of the four guardians of the Principalities of Arcus, stood upon the tallest phallic column in the stone garden at the edge of the amphitheater. The Eastern Archipelago, Principalities of Arcus

Lord of the deep by dawn thompson