Will they survive with their faith intact? Inspired by authors like Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, these nine romances are penned by an exclusive selection of Christian fiction authors and will become a cherished favorite for fans of British history and literature.Fayre Rose by Tamela Hancock Murray Scotland 1358 Fayre was brought to Kennerith Castle to tend the duke's rose garden in payment for her father's taxes. Follow along as each of the brides-to-be encounter high drama and epic romance on the way to the altar. Her second offense, Jenna received a $609 fine, a one-month driver's license suspension, and 36 additional hours of community service (her sister was also cited but received a lesser penalty, being her first offense).Romance from the Spectacular British Isles Spanning over 500 years of history in the British Isles, nine inspiring romance stories take readers through English gardens, around London ballrooms, and within Scottish castles.

The next month, she was cited again for using a fake ID to order alcohol while out with her sister and friends. In April 2001, she was cited for alcohol possession, fined $51.25, and ordered to undergo eight hours of community service and six hours of alcohol-awareness classes. However, Jenna's escapades at school didn't go totally unnoticed by the press. Then-campus newspaper managing editor Erin Keck told the Plainview Herald in 2004, "I think she is able to hide better because it's such a large campus." Explained Vice President for Legal Affairs Patricia Ohlendorf, "She wants to be as regular a student as possible," adding that Jenna had done "very well" in school.

Jenna focused on having a typical college experience and was able to blend in because of the university's size.